Winter Pride
August 30, 2019 - September 8, 2019
Welcome to Queenstown’s Winter Pride ’19, the most popular Winter Pride Festival in the Southern Hemisphere.
Winter Pride ’19 is renowned for fun both on and off the mountain, and once you’ve come once, you are bound to want to come back again.
We have made some exciting partnerships with local ACCOMMODATION providers. So please use the links on this site to book your stay as Winter Pride earns a mixture of commission and in kind support from bookings made from our links.
This year’s festival is continuning to grow the ON-MOUNTAIN SERIES with a designated mountain resort hosting the festival each day so that we can keep the fun in one place. This year, our partner mountains are working with us to dedicate areas of their bars and restaurants to our pride festival, meaning music, plenty of socialising and a real pride vibe on the slopes.
Our free ski / boarding guides will also be there to show you around. Just like you, they are people who are here on holiday and who want to have the best time yet. They are volunteering to help make your trip even more fun and we are confident that you’ll love them.
For those who aren’t so keen on snow, check out our OFF-MOUNTAIN SERIES – lots to choose from that will be a bit warmer than the hitting the slopes.
And then, of course, the usual DUREX PRIDE PARTY SERIES – those great parties you’ve always loved in the past with a few extra special ones this time round – check out our main events schedule below.